Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I'm lost.
In all the noise,
The sirens,
The phones,
The talking,
The screaming,
The crying,
The responsibilities,
The obligations,
The commitments,
The worries,
The fears,
The guilt,
The regrets,
The layers,
The defenses.
The chaos.

I wish that
I could find
For myself
A small place
In this huge world
Where I can be alone.
To reflect.
To listen to the silence.

And I wonder if -
In the solitude.
In the stillness.

I could find myself.
And if I did -
Would I regret it?


David_on_the_Lake said...

Chances are you'd find
all the noise,
The sirens,
The phones,
The talking,
The screaming,
The crying,
The responsibilities,
The obligations,
The commitments,
The worries, The fears,The guilt,The regrets,The layers,
The defenses.
The chaos.
reflected within you. Our surroundings become a part of us. However it's within these little spaces we create for ourselves that we can cleanse ourselve and discover ourselves.
Great thought..and very promising blog..


Genendy said...

Thank you for that, David.