Sunday, December 25, 2005

Ok, I get it.
Some people like to collect things.
I'm not one of them,
But I can understand it.
Coins, stamps, bottle caps, whatever -
I really get it.
But what I don't get is -
her collection.
I'd swear -
She treasures it,
She revels in it,
She dwells on it,
As much as the next collector.
And if you tell her so -
She'll deny it!
In fact,
She'll deny it so efficiently
That she'll even fool
And I even get that too.
But what I don't get is,
Why in heaven's name
Would she want to collect


David_on_the_Lake said...

From a purely financial point of view.
I suppose enemies are cheaper to collect than rare stamps and coins ;-)

Pragmatician said...

I didn't expect that ending.
If she's good at it she has gotta eb a major....

Genendy said...

David - true, except when you need a loan and you haven't a friend in the world.

Prag - She is.

Dmj - That's right. Life is tough enough as it is, so why do people go and manufacture their own troubles on top of it?

FrumGirl said...

We all know at least one of these people.

Bonnie B said...

You suprised me with that one. This is a killer poem. Love it. Love it. Love it.
I love to be suprised.
Some people glory in their afflictions. Conflict makes them happy, and so what better way to be miserably happy than to collect enemies to do it for you.

Genendy said...

bonnie - thank you so much! And you summed up this person perfectly.